Working to protect and promote the Nisqually Watershed for current and future generations

Eatonville makes big steps towards salmon recovery

Over the course of the last several years, the town of Eatonville has made large progress in restoring salmon habitat. In 2006, Eatonville worked with the Nisqually Indian Tribe to install large woody debris piles in the Mashel River. The goal was to create refuge for migrating salmon by providing eddy pools, shade and protection from predators. These logjams have had another effect too: they’ve protected infrastructure during flood events.

Eatonville’s work doesn’t stop there. The town has also installed dozens of raingardens that help filter stormwater runoff, which in turn enhances water quality within the Mashel River.

For more information about the town’s efforts and their partnership with the Nisqually Tribe, check out this article: