Washington Conservation Corps (WCC) has arrived at the Nisqually River Foundation! WCC, a part of Americorps, offers one year Individual Placement positions to help outside organizations complete projects. This year, NRF was accepted into the Individual Placement program and is hosting two of these service members to be a part […]
Yearly Archives: 2013
If you live in the Nisqually Watershed you will soon be receiving a copy of the Nisqually Good Neighbor Handbook. The Handbook is the result of a collaboration between the Nisqually River Council, the Nisqually Land Trust, and Stewardship Partners. It contains all sorts of useful information about living, working, […]
EATONVILLE – The Nisqually Stream Stewards will be holding the first salmon carcass tossing of the season on Saturday, December 14 in Eatonville. Volunteers are needed for this fun and valuable event. While carcass tossing may be fun, it also provides an important food source for juvenile salmon and other species throughout the watershed. […]
Learn How to Identify and Count Adult Salmon While Joining in the Exciting Experience of Watching Salmon Spawn! The Nisqually Stream Stewards Program is looking for volunteers to help monitor streams within the Nisqually River watershed during salmon spawning season. Volunteers will be trained to identify salmon species so they […]
With 35+ teachers and water quality monitoring sites, Nisqually River Education Project is off to another exciting start to the school year! In order to better serve our dedicated teachers, we have added additional dates and locations for our Fall Networking Teachers Meeting and Water Quality Monitoring Trainings for teachers […]
After more than a decade of restoring and protecting salmon habitat in Eatonville, the Nisqually community is coming together to celebrate their successes. The Nisqually Indian Tribe and the Nisqually River Council are hosting the Eatonville Salmon Fest on October 19 from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. The Salmon Fest will feature […]
From the mountains to the sea, the Nisqually Watershed covers a vast amount of land filled with breathtaking views of the river and its tributaries, snow-capped peaks, diverse wildlife, and old growth forests. It’s because of these forests that settlers from far and wide journeyed to Nisqually, and for […]
KCTS aired the “River of Kings” episodes of Carl Safina’s Saving the Ocean series locally on Wednesday February 27, 2013 at 7pm. However, you can still watch it now! Spend some time with Carl Safina in this two-part episode as he explores the Nisqually Watershed, from the glacier to the […]