The Nisqually River Council (NRC) is initiating a project to prepare a plan for the development and management of a water trail on the main stem Nisqually River from below LaGrande Dam to the Nisqually delta. The goal is to facilitate a collaborative planning process inclusive of all landowners along […]
Monthly Archives: April 2015
The 26th Nisqually Watershed Festival will take place on Saturday, September 26, 2015 at Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge. Let’s celebrate the environmental, cultural, historical, and economic stories of this unique watershed in South Puget Sound. And it’s now time for ….the 2015 Nisqually Watershed Festival Poster Contest! AGAIN THIS YEAR: All participating teachers will be entered […]
For this month’s CAC meeting, members were treated with the opportunity to tour the Nisqually Tribe’s fish counter at the Centralia Diversion Dam. The counter was recently installed, and provides scientists with information like size and direction of travel of each fish. It also contains a video camera, so scientists […]
Join us tonight, April 14, to raise money for the Eye on Nature field trips, a program dedicated to getting kids into nature! What: Fun filled night to raise money for a good cause! When: April 14, from 5-10pm Where: Fish Tail Brewery in downtown Olympia Details: An optional $10 donation is […]
This year’s Student GREEN Congress was held on March 20th at The Evergreen State College. Our friends at Thurston Conservation District had this to say about it: Just a couple weeks ago, South Sound GREEN celebrated another successful Student GREEN Congress event! For 23 years now, South Sound GREEN and […]