The Nisqually Stream Stewards (NSS) is a free course offered by the Nisqually Indian Tribe and Nisqually River Council. Participants receive 40 hours of hands-on training and educational talks, in exchange for 40+ hours of volunteer time. These volunteers are invaluable to our work–and our story wouldn’t be complete without […]
Yearly Archives: 2016
The Nisqually River and its tributaries are home to 5 species of salmon: Chinook, Steelhead, coho, chum and pink salmon. Despite being one of the healthiest watersheds in western Washington, several of our salmon species are struggling. Both the Chinook and Steelhead are listed as threatened species under the Endangered […]
The Nisqually Stream Stewards (NSS) is an adult environmental education program that was started over 10 years ago as a joint program of the Nisqually Indian Tribe’s Natural Resources Department and the Nisqually River Council. It was created as a way to connect community members to volunteer and citizen science […]
November 29 is #givingtuesday! Join the #givingtuesday movement, and donate to organizations that work to promote your values. The Nisqually River Foundation would be honored to have your support. Donate online today and thank you!
The Nisqually River Foundation, the nonprofit that works on behalf of the Nisqually River Council to implement the Nisqually Watershed Stewardship Plan, was founded in 2004. In the 12 years since, we have had great strides towards increasing sustainability in the watershed. In order to make the next decades, and […]
Over the last few weeks, the NREP has had the pleasure of providing the students with opportunity to apply what they’ve learned in the classroom to real world experiences in what we like to call service learning! Beforehand, we made classroom visits to inform the students about why healthy riparian […]
Over the last few weeks, the NREP has had the pleasure of providing the students with opportunity to apply what they’ve learned in the classroom to real world experiences in what we like to call service learning! Beforehand, we made classroom visits to inform the students about why healthy riparian zones […]
Natural resources provide countless products that help make our lives healthier and happier. The Nisqually Watershed is fortunate to have many of these natural resources readily available. Our forests provide timber and hunting opportunities; our waters support fish, hydroelectricity and drinking water; and our agricultural areas provide food and support […]
Have you ever wondered what it’s like to become a Nisqually Stream Steward volunteer? Sherry McCabe, 2016 NSS graduate, offers her perspective in this week’s blog post. Thanks for your insight, Sherry–we are so glad to have you be a part of our watershed community! It’s a dry, sunny, […]