The Nisqually River Education Project (NREP) is excited to introduce a suite of new action projects that aim to address climate change and increase the Nisqually Watershed’s resiliency to change. These projects, dubbed Action Project for Community Resiliency (APCR), will be available to teachers involved with NREP over the next three years, as a part of the NOAA-funded climate literacy project.
APCR will engage teachers, students and community members to increase awareness of local climate change impacts and to inspire people to make a big difference in their communities. Although some of the APCR’s require more effort, they all represent easy changes we all can make to improve our environment. Climate change will continue to impact us all, but APCR are an inspiring way to make our community more resilient to change.
As the new school year ramps up, NREP is pleased to share a more in-depth look at the APCR opportunities in their new blog. If you’re interested in learning more about the local climate change impacts we have seen or will see in the Nisqually Watershed, check out the Nisqually Watershed Climate Adaptation Plan, or our new robust webportal!