The 2016 Nisqually Stream Stewards class wrapped up on Saturday, September 24 at the Nisqually Watershed Festival. For the last 2 months, this dedicated group of citizens have volunteered their Tuesday evenings, and most Saturdays — 40 hours in total — so that they could learn about how to protect […]
Monthly Archives: September 2016
3 posts
Each month, the Nisqually River Council meeting focuses on a theme or indicator featured in the Nisqually Watershed Stewardship Plan (NWSP). In September, we centered on the idea of sustainable businesses. The NRC strives to “promote the development of sustainable businesses and built communities” because we believe a strong economy […]
Here is a list of the local non-profits working in the Nisqually Watershed on natural resources protection and education: Nisqually River Foundation – The mission of the Nisqually River Foundation is to provide financial and staffing support to the Nisqually River Council as it implements the Nisqually Watershed Stewardship Plan. […]