Hello, Hello! My name is Layne Perkins and I’m so excited to be joining the Nisqually River Education Project family as the Environmental Education AmeriCorps! I was born and raised in Tacoma, WA and am overjoyed that I get to be giving back to my community. I received a Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Studies from Pacific Lutheran University where I spent most of my time learning about stream and riparian habitat health, Indigenous studies, geology, and science education.

Last year I had the opportunity to serve with the Washington Conservation Corps on a habitat restoration crew at Pierce Conservation District. While serving, I learned how to identify native and invasive plant species and best management practices for managing wetland environments. Prior to my time with AmeriCorps I held a position at the Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium as an Environmental Instructor for their Wildlife Champions program. I have always loved nature and have wanted a job in the environmental sector since I was a kid, but it wasn’t until my job at the zoo where I realized what I loved most about the environment is getting to teach others about it’s wonders!

I was lucky enough to go to summer camp almost every year when I was younger, but I know how privileged of an experience that is. My goal as an educator is to make environmental learning fun and accessible for ALL students, because outdoor learning has been shown to vastly improve students’ learning along with helping develop empathy and a sense of community. I believe that the more people care about the environment, the more they will care about others and think more deeply about the impact they play in the world. Here’s to a year of educating the next generation of environmental stewards!