26 classes around the watershed took part in Winter Water Quality Monitoring this February. After almost a week of snow days, students were more than ready to be out visiting their testing sites. They sampled water from 29 different sites on the Nisqually River and its tributaries, testing for dissolved […]
Nisqually River Education Project
I went to school in Montana. If you asked my 10-year-old self what a fry was, I would have answered a tasty form of potato; I wouldn’t have been able to name a single species of Pacific salmon; and I certainly was unaware of their spawn and die life cycle. […]
“How do trees help salmon?” Before getting out in the field with students to plant trees as a habitat restoration activity, I asked this question during classroom presentations. While we think of salmon as purely aquatic species and trees as terrestrial, the relationship between these two demonstrates the deep interconnectedness […]
Hello! My name is Chrissy Webb, and I am so excited to be part of the Nisqually River Education Project. As a new resident of the Nisqually watershed, I’m eager to not only get to know and explore this unique system, but to study it, protect it, celebrate it, and help […]
Over the last few weeks, the NREP has had the pleasure of providing the students with opportunity to apply what they’ve learned in the classroom to real world experiences in what we like to call service learning! Beforehand, we made classroom visits to inform the students about why healthy riparian […]
Linsey Fields is the new Environmental Education Intern for the Nisqually River Education Project for the 2016-2017 school year. Linsey is completing her Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Conservation at The Evergreen State College. She is excited to gain hands on experience in the areas of environmental stewardship/protection by working […]
The NREP will bring new climate change related projects into the classroom over the next three school years through its NOAA funded climate literacy project. These projects will help students and teachers increase climate change literacy and highlight focuses on communicating community resilience through taking action. Projects include No Idling […]
Every September Billy Frank Jr. Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge hosts the ever-wonderful Nisqually Watershed Festival. The festival is put on by the Nisqually River Foundation and its partners, including the Nisqually Indian Tribe, Nisqually Reach Nature Center, and Tacoma Public Utilities. Included among the booths and various activities is the […]
The Billy Frank Jr. Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge is a great place to witness animals in their natural habitats, and to watch the plants of the northwest come to life. The NREP combines forces with our federal friends to take 4th and 5th graders out to the refuge for a […]