Working to protect and promote the Nisqually Watershed for current and future generations


Nisqually Building Guide

Green building technologies offer ways to help buffer the impact of new development.  Suggestions, resources, and tips for green building are included throughout this publication. Simple efforts such as choosing native plants for your landscape and using rain barrels to catch water for your garden can have a large impact when enough people get on board.

Inside these pages you will find information on how you can begin reducing your impact, you will also find information about groups and programs working in the area to preserve and protect the watershed and to provide assistance to landowners.

You can dowload the Nisqually Building Guide here.

NISQUALLY BUILDING GUIDE CONTENTS:  Salmon safe certification | Local farms, naturally | Stormwater management  | Watershed health |  What is a green home? | Financing green | Green home buying | Green certifications | Price for green | Green remodeling |Low Impact Development/ Bioswales | Construction Waste and Recycling | Healthy and safe indoor environments | Community based forestry | Forest stewardship | Rain gardens | Restoring the Nisqually Estuary | Know your water rights | Beyond organics | Green your landscape | Voluntary conservation agreements | Water conservation

The Nisqually Building Guide is a collaborative effort of the Nisqually River Council, the Nisqually River Foundation, Stewardship Partners, the U.S. EPA Targeted Watershed Grant program, and the Nisqually Valley News.  If you would like multiple copies of the Nisqually Building Guide for an event or program, we have some to share.  Please – contact us!  

Rain Gardens

Rain gardens are an excellent way to beautify the land and protect water quality.  The Nisqually River Foundation works with several partners, including the Native Plant Salvage Project and Stewardship Partners, to incorporate more rain gardens into our regional landscape.

This Rain Garden poster is one of many beautiful, informative posters available from Good Nature Publishing.