Looking to get involved in local conservation efforts? Want to learn about protecting the environment in a hands-on setting? Curious to hear from regional experts on relevant environmental topics? Consider joining the 2022 Nisqually Stream Stewards program!

Nisqually Stream Stewards is a program of the Nisqually River Council and Nisqually Indian Tribe.
During the class, which starts this Spring and takes place monthly over the course of the year, you’ll visit Mount Rainier National Park, University of Washington’s Pack Forest, the Billy Frank Jr. Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge and many more special places! Not only will you get to connect with natural resource professionals, but for the first time this year, Nisqually Stream Stewards will be hosting a virtual environmental speaker series to bring the watershed to you! Learn in the field and on your computer about how to keep the Nisqually Watershed a healthy and sustainable environment for all! Register Here.
Note: As space is limited for field trips and volunteer opportunities, we ask you to please consider your ability to meet the time commitment prior to your registration. The virtual speaker series will not have attendance limits. If you have questions, please contact us at streamstewards@nisquallyriver.org