The CAC is open to any member of the community interested in protecting and serving the Nisqually Watershed. Members enjoy a marvelous opportunity to meet other citizens from all walks of life who share common interests in the environment and protecting natural, economic, and cultural resources throughout the Nisqually River basin. Our strong volunteer citizen element is the cornerstone to a successfully organized watershed, whereby citizen voices are heard through a process of respect, discussion at the table, and consensus on courses of action and responsibility. We have a unique ability to interface with all the Nisqually River Council agency representatives at monthly meetings and to co-serve with Council Members as volunteers on various committees within the Council structure.
The CAC meets regularly on the second Tuesday of the month at the Nisqually River Council’s office. (During COVID-19, meetings are held via Zoom.) For more information on how to join, become a member, attend meetings or to learn more about our activities, email info@nisquallyriver.org. Review past meeting agendas and minutes on our Resource page.
We invite you to join us in these great activities:
- Salmon recovery projects
- Water quality & water quantity planning
- Stream habitat enhancement
- Hiking and assessing the watershed
- Public education & outreach
- The Annual Nisqually Watershed Festival at the Billy Frank Jr. Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge
- Exploring the estuary and tributaries
- Monthly meetings on issues of concern to local watershed communities
The Role of the CAC is to provide a voice for watershed community members in the Nisqually River Council. The CAC is substantially represented on the Council with three voting members. The CAC members meet independently monthly, and elect their own Chair and Vice-Chair, and plan their own Annual Agenda in concert with the objectives of the Nisqually River Council’s goals.

The CAC’s purpose is four-fold:
- To provide advice and information to the Nisqually River Council on topics requested by the Council.
- To report on activities throughout the Watershed for the purposes of keeping the Council informed on citizen issues.
- To request information, approvals, or actions from the Council in order to be an effective watershed steward group.
- To assist the Council by participating in and serving on various committees and initiatives.