Working to protect and promote the Nisqually Watershed for current and future generations

2021 VIRTUAL Student GREEN Congress

Student GREEN Congress this year will look a little different than it has in the past, but it is happening! Last year we had to cancel this very special event due to COVID-19. It was a tough decision, and disappointing for the students who had spent weeks preparing their presentations. 

Fast forward to one year later, and we have many of the same restrictions and limitations due to the ongoing pandemic. This time, though, we have had a whole year to get accustomed to virtual programming, and with enough time and experience have been able to create the first ever Virtual Student GREEN Congress. 

This year’s virtual event will include whole classes instead of student delegates, a virtual State of the Rivers activity, remote hands-on workshops with some of our amazing partners (including owl pellet dissection and plant medicine!), and a live keynote presentation from the Evergreen State College faculty Carri LeRoy! Carri and her students will teach our guests all about benthic macro-invertebrates (or streambugs)! Students will get to take the pledge to protect the earth and our watersheds, and hear their actions for improving water quality read aloud. We are so fortunate to still be able to offer this experience to students, and even though it won’t be exactly the same as previous years, I hope the students will still feel the same sense of accomplishment and feel inspired to pursue the individual and community action projects they come up with in preparation for this event.  

Stay tuned to hear about some highlights from this year’s event!